學校要聞 2016-04-28

Renovations at the Business and Management Building

Director of the Office of General Affairs, Shiaw-shyan Luo, explained that during Academic Observation Week more walkways, rest chairs and space for club activities were designed for the Business and Management Building to make life more convenient for students. There will also be more innovations to make the walkways greener, more exciting and more enjoyable for teachers and students alike. In addition, more provisions will be made for disabled persons and a mobile vendor will be added to make food more accessible.

Second-year student of the Department of Industrial Economics, You-xing Li, expressed, “The new walkway and environment is a beautiful space that can be utilized for many purposes. First-year student of the Department of Resources Management, Meng-zhe Li, expressed, “If the vehicles in the area are reduced, it will certainly feel more comfortable.” After cancelling the renovations for a parking lot on the northern part of the building, 70 new parking spaces were added to the western part of the science hall. (Article written by Bi-yun Liu)

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