英文電子報 2002-05-27

The TKU Western Fencing Teams Won Swashbuckling Victories in the Pan-College Golden Cup Tournament

In a College Cup for Western Fencing Tournament held on May 18 and 19 respectively, TKU Western Fencing Team cut out a figure by winning 3 trophies for the 1st place in Man’s Group Tournament, and 1 more trophy for the 2nd place, also in Group Tournament.

Besides, Mr. Chang Sheng-charng (Graduate, Institute of Chemical Engineering) and Miss Huang Ya-lu (Sophomore, German) also won the 6th places for their impressive performance in the non-denominational tournaments.

There were altogether 24 teams taking part in this competition. Because the panel had removed the age barrier of 28 years old this year, we would find some olds and even coaches among the contenders. One can easily imagine the tough luck the TKU team was facing this year. It would be an uphill battle indeed. But thanks to their never stopping daily routine exercise and the ironclad esprit de corps, they won a set of beautiful victories over their adversaries from Kwang Wu Technology College and National Taiwan Univ.

Their tense situation could be illustrated by one scene when both sides were locked in a 4-minute quandary because if either of them were to take a rash move first, his indiscretion could cause him lose the battle. So, the audience was also held in the deadlock of a deafening silence. Finally, the showdown came, and the thunderous plaudits greeted the winning team, and they are no other than our Tamkang fellows.

The winning team consists of members who are: Chen Kwan-chih (Senior, Civil Engr.), Chen Ker-huan and Hsieh Chieh-zong (Senior, Information Engineering), Lin Wei-chen (Senior, Business Administration), Huang Chuo-cheng (Junior, Public Administration), Tsai Chun-ping (Junior, Civil Engr.) and Chen Shien-jen (Junior, Aerospace Engr.)

The Girls’ Western Fencing Team was not able to score a crowning success for lacking a point in the final moment---too bad! But their undeterred effort to win should be acknowledged all the same.

Prof. Wang Yi-shyang, Dean of Physical Education, touted the excellent performance given by the TKU Western Fencing Team. He also offered his thanks to the TKU alumni/ae whose tireless effort in donation as well as morale boosting are the leading contributing factors that helped the TKU Western Fencing Team win.

NO.504 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1732 | 下載:

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