英文電子報 2002-05-20

The Foreign Language Week Concluded with a Ban Last Thursday (May 16)

The Cultural Variety Show staged jointly by 6 departments of College of Foreign Languages & Literature held its closing ceremony last Thursday (May 16).

The six departments were: English, Spanish, Russian, German, French and Japanese.

In the Student Activity Center, many who attended the ceremony agreed that the finale was truly a success. They cheered and applauded and shouted “Encores” and “Bravos!” at the performers.

Many “entertainers” were donned in the colorful historical costumes as if they were attending an international carnival or costume party.

Then there was a burlesque (a farce) called “Let’s Kill the Hussy, Ha, Ha, Ha!” It was prepared by Miss Wei Chiu-hwei (Sophomore, Spanish). The scenario of the farce is something like this: There is a marital agreement between Adolph Hitler and Princess Anastasia of Russia, but Carmen of Spain has already had an affair with the Nazi Furer. One day, Carmen meets with Mo Mo Taro from Japan in a tavern, and tries to seduce him. But the latter sees no Carmen, but only Hitler in his eye. Finally God becomes angry and sends down Joan of Arc to punish Carmen for her lewd behavior. The comicality of the farce came from these historical and legendary characters.

As one student from the Chinese Department commented, “Even though sometimes we miss the joking point, the whole play is by and large very funny and entertaining.”

Other students attending the show agreed that the “Foreign Language Week” bespeaks the vivacity represented by each and every participant of the histrionic event. In other words, all Foreign Language majors are probably like that: they are incredibly full of rigor and vivacity.

NO.503 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1658 | 下載:

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