英文電子報 2002-05-06

Tamkang Times Celebrates Its Publication of the 500th Issue; Many Came to Offer Their Felicitations

“Happy Birthday, Tamkang Times!” amidst the cheers and applause, with the greetings and blessings of so many correspondents and alumni/ae who once worked at TT, a 5-tier birthday cake was cut by many erstwhile publishers and directors of TT.

To celebrate the 500th issue of TT, a discussion forum was held last Wednesday (May 1) in which many alumni/ae, faculties who used to be our colleagues attended. They also shared with us their comments and feedbacks on our future directions; then a tea party was held partly in honor of their homecoming, and partly in commemoration of the festive occasion.

Mr. Yang Hwa, who graduated from Department of Mass Communication, now a member of TT Committee, concurrently a correspondent of Era Networks, Taipei, said that recently, in our society, there has been a trend to switch the attention to campus news. By covering the news stories happening in the communities adjacent to the university, it might be a feasible thing, just like “killing two birds with one stone”, he said.

Dr. Lily Hwei-mei Chen, Director of International Exchange and International Education, touted the increasing and steady progress of TT, especially the professionalism shown by some correspondents, whose conscientious attitude was fully reflected in handling each interviewing case, and this is very impressive.

In the tea party held at the International Conference Room, Chueh Sheng Memorial Hall, a pretty young lady correspondent donned in the Hawaiian costume and a gentleman correspondent dressed in the Happy Panda over-rolls pushed out a 5-tier birthday cake. Then the highlight moment came: everybody was waiting for the birthday cake cutting ceremony. Our list of the dignitaries who were present to cut the cake may go on forever. But our special thanks go to Dr. Clement C.P. Chang and two other former presidents of TKU: Dr. Louis R. Chow and Dr. Lin Yun-shan. For those whose names are neglected here, our sincere apology.

In addition to Dr. Clement C.P. Chang, our Founder, who gave a short speech, Dr. Louis R. Chow said that by reading TT, he learned the newest happenings of the university, with which he was once so intimately connected. He hoped that TT can serve a better role by bridging over the gap between the school, the faculties and the students. Dr. Lin Yun-shan also affirmed the success of TT by saying “To understand TKU one must not forget there is an inroad: reading TT, one can get there quicker.” What an advice!

NO.501 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1551 | 下載:

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