英文電子報 2002-05-06

The TKU 16th Golden Voice Singing Contest Concluded with a Bang!

The TKU 16th Golden Voice Singing Contest, after one- year cessation, was held again last Friday (May 3) evening.

All of a sudden, ripples after ripples of sweet-sounding voices pierced the balmy summer air of the TKU campus. Their audience, equally enthusiastic, filled the Student Activity Center to capacity. Applauses mixed with cheers were ringing in every student’s ears.

Those who passed preliminaries were really “no-nonsense” veterans, so the whole process of the final reckoning was really worth the tickets, so to speak.

The solo group winner, Miss Wang Chia-ling, won the 1st prize with a single guitar and her personal charm. She said she won the title by singing her own favorite song, not designated by the order of a judge. She felt so happy about it.

The 1st and 2nd Prize of Group Singing went to singers who are seasoned chorus singers. Because they have such a background, they could win with hands down. Lin Wen-te and Lee Chih-wei who won the 3rd places are aborigines by ethnic origin.

“Girl”, a song they sang in duet that helped them win the prizes is originally an aboriginal creation; its native flavor captured the heart of so many people in the audience.

As for Lee Chih-shen who won the prize of Original Creation, the violent rock and roll rhythm accompanied by the compact lyrics, bespeaks the complex feelings underneath the violent facade.

Mr. Lee said it’s the Buddha’s finger that has given him inspiration for the song entitled “Omitofu”. He said his intention was to comment on those worshippers who feign devotedness, but they are still doing perpetrating things.

NO.501 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1685 | 下載:

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