趨勢巨流河 2018-04-21



1.One theme that _ throughout this article is the influence of mothers on fathers and vice versa.

(A) specifies (B) recurs (C) engages (D) obligates

2.The timing belt _ shows signs of wear after about 200,000 miles.

(A) character (B) characterize (C) characteristic (D) characteristically

3,If there is any _ of the manager's involvement, we need to follow up swiftly and thoroughly.

(A) imply (B) implicit (C) implicated (D) implication

4.A jar of dried basil or even a basil plant would be a more appropriate _than coriander.

(A) allocation (B) substitution (C) avoidance (D) register

5.UI developers had a hard time figuring out _ the layout wasn’t exactly what they expected.

(A) which (B) why (C) when (D) where







NO.1058 | 更新時間:2018-04-21 | 點閱:979 | 下載:

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