趨勢巨流河 2020-03-22



1.Passengers _____ by train can submit a complaint when their train is delayed.

(A) travel (B) traveled (C) travelling (D) to travel

2.77% of EU citizens would prefer _____ goods rather than buy new ones.

(A) to repair (B) to repairing (C) repairs (D) repaired

3.The popular notion that a tree’s age _____ counting the number of internal rings in its trunk is generally true.

(A) could determine (B) are determined by (C) is determining (D) can be determined by


1.【答案】(C),Passengers who travel by train用分詞簡化,省略who,動詞travel主動用v-ing。

2.【答案】(A),句型:「prefer to + 原V~ rather than + 原V」 (寧願~~~ 也不願~~~)

3.【答案】(D),被動句;樹的年齡被~所決定。主詞a tree’s age是單數。

NO.1102 A | 更新時間:2020-03-22 | 點閱:652 | 下載:

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