Campus focus 2020-05-08

Our University Ranked No.1 for Enterprise’s Favorite Private University in Global Views Monthly 2020 Survey

In the "2020 Enterprise’s Favorite University Graduates Ranking" published by Global Views Monthly on February 17th, our University ranked 8th countrywide for the "Overall Best University" and ranked No.1 among private universities. Among corporate’s favorite universities within various industries, our university ranked 5th countrywide for business management.

The Dean of the College of Business and Management Dr. Tzong-Ru Tsai was pleased to know that our university ranked 5th countrywide and believes that it is the result of joint efforts. Dr. Tzong-Ru Tsai explained that Tamkang is a leading university in the country on internationalization and informatization. The College of Business and Management has long offered many courses in English, dual-degree programs, industry-academia cooperation, demonstrating the differences between the characteristics of various departments and other universities. In 2019, our teachers and students achieved substantial results. For instance, senior year in Information Management Li-Ting Wang won the "2019 World Cup Computer Application Skills Competition" Word2013 champion.

The Department of Accounting and the American Institute of Management Accountants signed a memorandum of cooperation, ranking 401-450 in the QS economy and econometric worldwide, 9th in the country, and 1st in the private universities. Dr. Tzong-Ru Tsai stated that he will continue to further discuss the dual-degree programs and cooperation with the San Francisco State University in the future; assisting teachers to collaborate with professionals internationally on researching and teaching; assisting students to participate in relevant competitions domestically and abroad; display the characteristics and professional strengths of various departments, and exerted a diversified aspect of the college so that more students may enroll in our university.

This is a research survey conducted by Global Views Monthly from November 18th, 2019 to December 16th, 2019, targeting representatives from Human Resources and the Recruitment units of 1,676 Taiwan listed companies. A total of 513 online questionnaires for Enterprise’s Favorite College Graduates evaluation surveys were conducted online.

NO.1104 B | 更新時間:2020-05-18 | 點閱:1464 | 下載:

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