學校要聞 2020-12-28

Orientation and Thanksgiving Gala for Overseas Students

The Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs hosted the "Overseas Students Orientation and Thanksgiving Banquet" at the Chang Yeo Lan International Conference Hall of the Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center at 6 pm on December 11th, the Vice President for International Affairs Dr. Kao-Cheng Wang, the Chairman of the Tamkang University Global Alumni Association Dr. Jian-Xiang Lin, the Chairman of Tamkang University Golden Eagle Elite Club Cheng-Rong Jiang, the alumni of the Department of Mathematics and the president of SINBON Electronics Shao-Xin Wang, the Executive Director of Alumni Services and Resources Development Dr. Chun-Young Perng, and nearly 200 faculties and students participated in the event.

The Dean of International Affairs Dr. Lucia Hsiao-Chuan Chen began by acknowledging all overseas student’s efforts for their presence at Tamkang during the epidemic, and then thanked all the donors for their support, "With love from Tamkang, learning is not hindered." Tamkang is trying its best to let overseas students feel the warmth given by the people in Tamkang during the quarantine process. Dr. Kao-Cheng Wang mentioned that all students have different quarantine periods during the epidemic, so the orientation may not be hosted as scheduled. However, Tamkang welcomes and appreciates all students for their arrival, and hopes for success in their academic career.

Dr. Jian-Xiang Lin, Cheng-Rong Jiang, and Shao-Xin Wang pointed out that they are grateful for Tamkang for providing them and all students a wealth of resources by presenting a broader vision through the concepts of "Globalization," "Information-Oriented Education," and "Future-Oriented Education," this also impacted students to have a grateful heart. "Through the inspiration set off from the simplicity, truthfulness, firmness, and perseverance, it transcended national boundaries, and we also hope to pass on this motivation to the younger generation and help Tamkang to continue its sustainability through love." The university badge representing the spirit of Tamkang will be passed on to the student representatives, hoping to continue the heritage of the "Love from Tamkang."

NO.1116 | 更新時間:2020-12-28 | 點閱:652 | 下載:

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