A Brief Introduction of the Tamkang Times


The Tamkang Times (hereafter called TKT), originally named "The Tamkang English College Weekly", was first established in 1953. Dr Clement C.P. Chang, then the President of the Tamkang English College, was the Director, while Mr. Chen Wei-lung was serving as the publisher of the Weekly. A few name changes took place afterwards: first, it was named "The Tamkang Weekly Forum", then "The Tamkang Weekly" before it was named "The Tamkang Times" in 1989 up till now. The Tamkang Engilsh College Weekly 1953 ~ 1958 Tamkang College Echo 1958 ~ 1979 The Tamkang Weekly Forum 1957 ~ 1959 The Tamkang Weekly 1959 ~ 1989 The Tamkang Times 1989 ~


The newspaper published every Monday is aimed at serving faculty, staff and students of TKU as well. It includes such goals: to enhance coverage of campus activities report; to help cement the relationship between faculty, staff (including blue-collared workers) and students; to promote interchange/interrelationship between TKU vs students' parents and TKU vs alumni/ae; to elevate the level of academic standard and to advocate the effervescence of the unique Tamkang culture.

To enhance coverage of campus activities report: From anniversary to commencement, from academic exchange to recreations within the campus and student club activities---these are all newsworthy stories of TKT. In terms of style, a lively, vivid yet unalloyed and unbiased reportage has always been the goal that this newspaper is striving for in many years.

To help cement the relationship between faculty, staff (including blue-collared workers) and students: Despite its role of an official organ, TKT is a bridge spanning over the faculty, staff and students, so that through the occasion of a weekly paper, the conglomerate of a big TKU family can be realized.

To promote interchange/interrelationship between TKU vs students' parents and TKU vs alumni/ae: TKT deems it her primary duty to report the news of TKU alumni/ae, to share their remarkable achievements with Tamkangians. Also, those who are graduates of the university can obtain information thru either "gratis" or subscription to the paper. Given the recent trend in most universities to direct attention to alumni/ae association, TKT's role becomes even more pivotal today than before. TKT also emphasizes the inter-communication with TKU students' parents. A "TKU Freshmen Special Issue" will be mailed to freshmen and their parents before the orientation week to acquaint them with the university. They are also encouraged to subscribe to this paper to keep them updated to the happenings of their children's school.

To elevate the level of academic standard: Teaching, research and service have always been the major concerns of Tamkang University. When innovation and revision have become a byword of today's universities, nothing is more important than to elevate the academic standard of our university. To help accomplish this goal, TKT has engineered such columns as "To Rap with the Professsors", "A Visit to the Room of a Meritorious Professor", etc., so as to share their fruits of research with the general reading public of the paper.

To advocate the effervescence of the unique Tamkang culture: As globalization, information-oriented and future-oriented education are the three objectives of TKU, it has also become the cultural tradition to which the university adheres. The effervescence of Tamkang culture is manifested in the amenities of the TKU campus, the liberal, democratic academic atmosphere and a lively and dynamic student life style. To uphold and perpetuate such a cultural milieu is the ultimate goal of TKT.


Pres. Keh Huan chao of TKU is the publisher of the paper. A committee consisting of 6 to 18 members are chosen by the president to supervise decision making and related matters. As this is an ad hoc committee, members may come from faculty staff, students, alumni/ae, etc.

On August 2018, Dr. Liao, Andy Ay-Hua, Secretary-General, TKU, has become the Chairperson of TKT, Director & Editor-in-chief of the paper. The staff include one Assistant Director, one administration staff, and four editors.


The TKT is scheduled to be published regularly on every Monday with 30,000 copies. Faculty and students can get a free copy from the special TKT deposit box on the first floor of each college building. In the meantime with post haste, it will be delivered to various offices in Tamsui, Taipei and Lanyang campuses. It is also accessible to people outside TKU, because it is made available free of charge to various major media throughout the island and higher-education facilities. Also, many TKU students' parents are subscribing to this paper. So, every Tamkangian knows about the paper and reads it.


“TKU Headlines”:

This section describes important news items, introduces university policy, and provides information on TKU academic activities, including lectures. The subsection “e-calligraphy system” is an introduction on how to use the e-calligraphy system, developed by TKU, to render spectacular Chinese-style paintings. ‘TKU Headlines’ forms essential reading for all Tamkangians.

The Bookworm Chat Room:

The “Bookworm Chat Room” is a Tamkang Times column that aims to develop in students a passion for learning and reading. With an interactive, question-and-answer format, it draws students into the intriguing world of books. The subcategory ‘A Memoir of Study Abroad’ features stories of students’ who studied abroad. This includes stories from international students, who offer amusing anecdotes on life in Taiwan. ‘A Memoir of Study Abroad’ helps to promote internationalization at TKU.
Apart from the above-described content, the “Bookworm Chat Room” also comprises comics, English lessons, ‘stories for the soul’, a ‘cool study’ section, an intellectual property quiz, a well-known person profile, readers’ letters, and announcements from TKU academic and administrative departments. In addition, special editions of the “Bookworm Chat Room” are published to cover major TKU events.

The “News Kaleidoscope”:

In each edition of the Tamkang Times, the “News Kaleidoscope” provides updates on the Lanyang Campus, Taipei Campus, and the TKU Online Campus. It also introduces intriguing characters among TKU’s faculty, students, and alumni, to ensure diversity of content.

Students’ Stories:

This section consists of student news, reports on club and society activities, and profiles of characters and events at the Tamsui Campus. These reports, which record student life and describe club activities, are very popular among TKU students.

The Procedures of TKT are arranged as follows:

Monday Meetings for discussion of issues relating to the general affairs and editing.
Tuesday Meetings for discussion of interviews done by correspondents.
Wednesday Deadline for Inset Page stories (p.2 & p.3)
Wednesday First proof-reading on Inset Page (p.2 & p.3) stories; revision of Front Page (p.l) stories and Back Page (p.4) final version stories.
Thursday First proof-reading of Front Page and Back Page stories. In the afternoon, stories of p.1 and p.4 ready to be set for printing.
Friday Lay out the design of stories and proof-reading; check the galley-proofs; dispatch the disk to outside printer for printing in the evening.
Monday Publication. Papers ready for distribution.

State-of-the-art technique for editing/printing/publication:

As of 1996, TKT has utilized the Chi-Cheng Computer System for compiling and editing, which is now being enforced by three editors. But the post-editing work such as transmission into disks and printing are relegated to outside printers for completion of the work.

TKT on the Web site

TKT has already set up its Homepage on the globe Web site, and has occupied a cyberspace in versions of both Chinese and English of the paper. From hereon, a person can locate TKT in his/her PC, as long as he/she does a little surfing, regardless of geographical distance.

As of 2000 TKT has formally issued digital news Chinese version. A year later in 2001 TKT finally issued its digital news in English version named as "Tamkang e-Times" to serve the general reading public of the paper.

Student correspondents and their work

The TKT is proud to own a pool of student correspondents from different departments and colleges. Thanks to their vitality and enthusiasm, readers of this weekly newspaper constantly receive information they need to know from their interesting reports and sometimes, conversely, they themselves become providers of the news.


The correspondents of TKT are recruited on irregular time basis. Not necessarily students from Department of Mass Communication will catch the eye of TKT. The recruitment is open to all candidates, irrespective of their majors. After a general examination and an intense training program, those who have passed both programs will get the job.

Review on interviews

The review on interviews is held on weekly basis. Correspondents discuss their interview strategy and share their information with each other. Sometimes they may adjust their work "overflow"; often they would exchange their views and address the flaws they made last time.

Interim Education Training program

In every semester, one or two veteran journalists will be invited to give a lecture on their personal experience in journalism to provide more on-the-job knowledge---sometimes impetus---to TKT greenhorn reporters.

Winter/Summer Vacation Training program

A one-day training program will be set aside for TKT student correspondents to attend. Courses include newpaper writing, interview experience, special topics planning, personal interview, photography, etc TKT believes that the more the abilities of correspondents are "plugged in", the more advanced will be the level of standard oi the paper.

Rewarding and punitive action

Every semester a few reporters whose performance is exceptionally good will be selected for commendation; an oral reprimand, however, will be levelled on those whose performance is less than satisfactory; hopefully this will bring them around in the future.

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  • Update:2024-09-10 17:12:42