NO. 548


By the end of September, the total amount of donations has reached over two billion NT dollars, according to Office of Alumni Services and Recourses Development (OASRD). TKU president Dr. Horng-jinh Chang, who is also the chairman of Fund Raising Committee, indicated that this amount was precious, especially in such an environment of economic recession. He appreciated all his colleagues' efforts at fund raising; he also paid his respect to all the donators, hoping that they will continue to support TKU.

According to the data provided by OASRD, alumni donations cover sixty-nine percent of the total numbers of donations made and fifty-four percent in terms of the amount of money. TKU president expressed that these numbers showed the alumni’s concern about the University. In the current economic situation, the donations have become one of the major financial recourses for the University.

Western Books Co, Ltd made a donation of $200,000 to TKU on September 30, which made the total amount of donations climb over to 2 billions. Western Books Co, LTD, which has donated $750,000 since 1996, has positively responded to various fund raising activities. The OASRD suggests giving special praise to the company at the “Fund Raising Appreciation Party” during the university's anniversary celebration.

The amount of fund raising has been increasing every year since 1993, especially after 1999 when president Dr. Horng-jinh Chang put great efforts into this project. The amount has climbed to NT$38,000,000 by the TKU fiftieth anniversary celebration.

Min-nan Chen, director of OASRD, indicated that the 2 billion fund raising was the result of efforts made by all the colleagues at TKU. Current law permits 100 percent of tax deduction for donation to public schools, yet only 10 to 25 percent for private schools. This regulation makes fundraising difficult particularly for such a private university as TKU, and it is not fair, said Chen.

The donators can designate the specific uses of their donations to TKU, whereas other universities manage to control the spending of money. TKU will offer NT$200,000 as an encouragement for those units who have raised NT$1,000,000 within six months. President Dr. Horng-jinh Chang ascribed this fund raising policy to the generous attitude of TKU founder Dr. Clement C.P. Chang. Since the use of money is designated by the donators, the donations to TKU has been used in a variety of matters, including research, conferences, and scholarships, among many others.

NO.548 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1139 | Download:

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