NO. 548


The Office of International Exchange and International Education has announced the application procedures for the exchange student program of academic year 2003-2004. A total of twenty-nine vacancies are offered by seventeen of TKU’s sister universities in the US, Canada, Australia, Korea, France, Germany, Sweden, Poland, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Austria. Sophomores, juniors of the College of Technology, and students of master programs are eligible to apply. This program does not include exchange with sister universities in Japan.

Applicants should submit an application form, original transcripts (in Chinese) for their years of study in TKU, a certificate of language proficiency, two reference letters from teachers (in English or the language used in the host country of the exchange program), an autobiography in both Chinese and the language of the country of exchange, a study plan, a letter of guarantee, and photocopies of other relevant documents. The application form can be downloaded from the website of the Office of International Exchange and International Education (; it is also available in all departmental offices. Application starts on October 27 and closes at midday October 31.

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