NO. 588


Happy 54th Anniversary! TKU is celebrating its ‘birthday’ on Monday, November 8 with a ceremony at 9 a.m. at the Student Activity Center opened by Dr. Flora Chang, the President. After her opening speech, there will be a cheerleading performance and the Golden Eagle “Tamkang Elite” Awards ceremony for six of the most outstanding alumni of the year. There will also be certifications of “thankfulness” awarded to generous contributors and the “Light of Tamkang” awards to fund-raisers. Following these series of ceremonies, there will be another signing event between TKU and Nagasaki University, Japan, formalizing their sister ties at 10:30 a.m. at the Chueh Sheng International Conference Hall.

The Golden Eagle Awards have been established for 18 years and will be awarded to six outstanding alumni who are Joseph Cheng, the Chairman of the Board at the International Bank of California, US, Chang Horng-jinh, the previous TKU president, Tsao Ying-wei, the CEO of Link Systems, Chang Yu-ming, the President of the De Lin Institute of Technology, Wu Ching-huei, the Chairman of a leading international high-tech LED lighting manufacturer and Wang Ming-te, an English teacher from Dung Fu Junior High School, Nan Tou County. They will receive a trophy and a certificate from Dr. Clement Chang, the Founder, personally.

Among the 23 generous contributors, three of them have donated over NT$ 1,000,000. They are Lu Ching-tang, a professor at Department of Industrial Economics, Ho Wei-ling of the Hewlett-Packard Development Company, Taiwan and Chen Yang-yuan of Han-ke Company. They and other 20 contributors will receive a certificate from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and a plaque of thankfulness from TKU. Apart from them, there will be 14 fund-raisers receiving a plaque. The awardees except two are all either the faculty or staff of TKU, including the Founder, the current President, the previous President, eight Chairs of various departments and several senior administrators. The two exceptions, who are also the winners of the “MOE Distinguised Principal Leadership Awards” , are Cheng Cheng-ji, the Principal of the Lan Ya Junior High School, and Wen Ming-cheng, the Principal of the Dung-men Primary School respectively. They will receive the “Light of Tamkang” from the Founder.

The other highlights following the opening ceremony are an Orchid Exhibition at the Exhibition Hall of Business and Administration Building, a sport event at the outdoor stadium, Freshmen Championship Cups of Volleyball and Basketball, as well as a music performance at the Carrie Chang Music Hall. At four in the afternoon, there will be a groundbreaking ceremony at the future Foreign Languages Building. On the University Commons, there will be a fun fair promoting a new “May Four Spirit” and the 2nd Egg-roll festival containing activities relating to TKU fourth wave. Everyone is welcome to celebrate with TKU!

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