The Global Leadership Professor Promotion Committee (GLPPC), promoted by the National Chiao Tung University, has recently invited President Flora C. I. Chang of Tamkang University to be one of its three co-directors: the other two are President Chang Chuen-Yen of National Chiao Tung University and former President of National United University, Dai Cheng-Fang.
The GLPPC aims to sharpen the competitiveness of Taiwanese academics in the 21st century, raise the profile of Taiwanese universities globally, and support Taiwanese scholars to move into the inner circles of international academic leadership. The Committee is also dedicated to international academic exchange, spreading the news of the latest top-quality research results between Taiwan and the international academic community.
The Departments of Information Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering of Tamkang University have also been invited to form the sixth branch of the GLPPC. The other branches include National Chiao Tung University, Academia Sinica, National United University, National Cheng Kung University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, I-Shou University, and Chang Gung University. (~Hui-chuan Wang)