NO. 611


7725 students, including undergraduates, masters, and doctorates, will attend graduation ceremony on at 10 A.M., June 4, 2005, at student Activity center, to welcome their new stage of life. Before the ceremony, graduates will walk around their beloved campus together at 9 A.M. The graduation ceremony is entitled “Transformation and Flying”—the metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly symbolizes that the students have experienced various stages of training and disciplining and are now ready for their next stage of development. Assisted by Equestrianism Club, the school provides carriage for the graduates to take photos at Scroll Plaza.

At 9 A.M., deans of colleges, departmental chairpersons and professors, along with academic advisors of the graduating classes, will lead the graduates to walk around the campus. Founder Dr. Clement Chang, President Dr. C. I. Chang, and high rank school officials will welcome the graduates at Dolphin Plaza and lead them to Student Activity Center to receive their diplomas and awards.

To avoid the tedious process, the diploma reception ceremony will be simplified. Forty-five doctorates will stand tall in their PhD costumes and receive the diploma respectively from the hands of the President and take photos together. During the reception ceremony, photographing area is open to graduates’ parents and reporters. The selected photos will be printed on the Graduating Pages of TKU website for downloading.

The space of observing the ceremony is limited. Only 300 seats at the Student Activity Center are available for parents, open since 8: 50 A.M. Nevertheless, there are resting areas in Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall, Ching-sheng International Conference Hall, and Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, facilitated with drink and real-time video broadcasting of the ceremony for those who are not able to sit in front of the ceremony. (~ Chi-szu Chen )

NO.611 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1197 | Download:

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