NO. 569

Fight against Viruses; Tamkang’s Broad Band Network Upgraded

In order to enhance the efficiency and the anti-virus capacity of stem network, Information Processing Center’s Section of System Management plans to renew stage by stage the apparatuses of stem network in Ching-sheng Building, Business Management Building, Science Hall, and Chemistry Hall before the end of April, and upgrade the old 155Mbps broad band to its eight times 1000Mbps.

The first stage has been completed at the end of March: the apparatuses of Ching-sheng Building stem network, the largest in Tamkang, have been renewed; the packaging capacity of the new apparatus has been enhanced from 15Mpps (packets per second) to 30Mpps, and back-plane band width from 32Gbps (bits per second) to 720Gbps. The second stage was finished last Saturday (April 10), the range of construction including Business Management Building, Building of Liberal Arts, Hwei-wen Hall, Education Building, and Communication Building. The final stage will be carried out in Chemistry Building and Science Hall on April 17.

In addition to upgrading speed and broad-band capacity, the renewal construction this time will disperse the apparatuses of stem network to prevent viral attack and spread from shutting down Tamkang’s network. Nevertheless, enhancing hardware is merely a temporary measurement against virus. “The fundamental way to prevent viral infection,” as Section Chief of System Management Hsiao Ming-ching calls for, “is to update processing system and codes of virus as often as possible.”

NO.569 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1296 | Download:

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