NO. 620


In commemorating the 55th founding anniversary of TKU, the university Student Association (SA) will host a four-day fun fair on the Post Street from November 5th onwards. During which, all student clubs will put out stands and organize activities, such as Egg Roll Festival, and events and reenactments of scenes taken from various famous fairy tales.

For the latter, the Association asked the Architecture Department to design sets that can blend well with the campus landscape. On the 5th and 6th of November, students from the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures will act out some of the well-known scenes in various fairly tales on these sets. Those who have ever wanted to live in fairly tales, but can't act, don't despair-everyone is invited to dress up for a Fairly Tale Parade at a later occasion.

During the opening ceremony on the 6th, all November birthday kids among the student, staff and faculty are invited to celebrate their birthday with the university. Those registered will receive a surprise present and their friends and families will get something, too. They are also welcome to join the games and fun events organized by the SA around noontime. First three winners can pick up some prize money. So, don't miss them!

Actions aside, the SA will put out an exhibition on the Student Common, taking visitors on a time machine going through the history of the square and the origin of Egg Roll Festival. The SA has also invited student clubs and businesses to set up stands offering afternoon tea on the 7th.

On th last day, the 8th, SA will lure you to a "magical village" where you can get hair cut, highlight, nail polish and make-up services under one roof, so you can get ready for the campus wide beauty pageant will unveil to pick the most beautiful and handsome students in Tamkang in the afternoon. Are you ready? ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

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