NO. 643


The 12th Election for the Chair and Deputy Chair of TKU Student Council (SC) is scheduled to take place next week from Tuesday to Thursday at five appointed ballots that are located on the second and third floor of the Business Administrative Building, Poster Street, New Engineering Building, and Taipei Campus respectively. All students are urged to cast their vote.

This year, as usual, there are two teams of candidates running for the office. The first team consists of He Jun-hong, a sophomore of the Department of Economics, and Hsu Chu-han, a sophomore of the Chinese Department. They have served the SC as council members for quite some time now, so they have experiences in organizing big events and they are in a sense seasoned public “servants”, understanding how to serve students interests where they are needed. Thus, in their campaign, they pledge to enhance the quality of life and control of noise and safety on and around the campus. For that purpose, they have proposed to ask the Zih Nan Bus Company to increase buses after 10 pm, and to install closed circuit cameras in dormitories. They have also promised to hold more big scale events such as concerts and exhibitions.

The second team is made up of Lin Zhi Zhin, a senior of the Department of International Trade, and Lian Shih Han, a sophomore of the Spanish Department, who serve currently as the secretariats of the SC. They pledge to make the adjustment of tuition transparent to students, fight for parking space, increase the quality and service of food at the Sung Tao Food Hall, and finally, combine SC membership card with MRT card. Eventually, they say, they want SC to be a “cool” organization for students to join in voluntarily.

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