NO. 644


More than 1,200 students with physical and mental obstacles from all parts in Taiwan came to TKU to join the national college entrance exam from May 5th to 8th. Parents and all examinees gave positive credits to individualized services provided by school. TKU President C. I. Chang made several inspection tours to the examination hall. About 10 presidents of physical and mental disability schools expressed that they hope TKU will continue to host the exam next year.

About 70 volunteers participated in the services, including 25 of them with physical or mental disabilities. One of volunteers, Chiu Tsun-Nen, sophomore of Dept. of Statistics, having sever physical obstacles, said “I join the team with gratitude; I know what these examinees need because I am also a disabled person. I try my best to help; even the help could be very little.” The warm and loved atmosphere were everywhere at the school during the 4-day exam. Hsieh Min-Chuan’s parents also cheered up from the sorrow of losing their son to volunteer in the serving team. A volunteer, Lin Pei-Yu, a senior student of Dept. of Chinese, said, ”I got very huge impact during these 4 days. I really thank my parents to give me a healthy body. Meanwhile, I feel respectful to these examinees, who suffer physical or mental obstacles but reveal very strong minds.” (~ Johnny Chu & Peiling Hsia )

NO.644 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1188 | Download:

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