NO. 645


A smoke free campus may be possible one day. Starting next semester onward, smoking indoors will be strictly enforced and smoking while walking outdoors will be considered a violation.

As a measure to contain second-hand smoking so as to safeguard non-smokers, TKU, following the guidelines instructed by the Bureau of Health, has forbidden smoking in all indoor areas, that include the corridors, balconies and hallways of the Business Management Administration Building and the all building entrances. The same rules will also apply to Lanyang Campus as well as Taipei Campus. However, smoking will be allowed at the entrance and the outdoor stairways of the Taipei Campus.

Before these rules come into effect, there is a campus-wide campaign warning the danger of smoking organized by the Spring Light Student Association. So far, campaigners could only dissuade smokers during break time with good will, and without the backup of proper regulations, installation of no-smoking signs and the disappearance of cigarette trash cans, they are not able to do anything when stubborn smokers refuse to cooperate.

Wong Chi-kang, the supervising teacher of the Student Association, emphasizes that such a anti-smoking policy is nothing personal against smokers, but aims to protect the health of everyone and the overall campus environment. Those violate the anti-smoking rules repeatedly such as with 2 recorded warnings, will have to attend classes to quit smoking. Failure to turn up for over three times, a more sever warning will be given, a counseling appointment will be arrangement, and parents will be informed. Teachers are not immune to punitive actions, either. If they are found guilty of violation, they will be reprimanded at the Teacher Evaluation Committee.

TKU will follow several universities in Taiwan to implement such a policy. Some universities have practiced it for years with excellent results; therefore, TKU would like to achieve that so as to provide faculty, staff and students alike a smoke-free environment. Everyone’s cooperation is highly anticipated. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.645 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1250 | Download:

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