NO. 658


Imagine which campus can offer you the dreamlike sensation of a morning stroll, walking up and down nearby paths surrounded by rare butterflies and birds? Well, only Lanyang Campus can provide such a quality.

As if local natural beauty is not enough, Professional Specialist, Associate Professor Level Wang Ming Jen of the Information and Communications Technology Management Department of Lanyang Campus came up with a proposal to make the campus even more dream-like. His proposal is to make the campus a botanic garden by bring some rare indigenous plants to the campus. Supported by the Forestry Bureau, a lot of azaleas will be planted first in the middle of November along the 600 meters long path leading from the Administrative Building to the steps outside the buildings. When next spring comes, they will be in full blossoms.

Prof. Wang explains that planting azaleas is only the first step of his proposal. The second step, according to him is to have some indigenous coniferous ever-green trees at campus. Some of these trees in Taiwan were nearly distinct due to overdevelopment, so he believes it is our task to preserve Taiwan’s eco system by having such a project.

Apart from this project on construction, there is another area named Wisdom Park in Lanyang that has been planted with some rare and beautiful trees such as Taiwan Flowering Cherry, Baldcypress, Flamegold, Taiwan Incense-cedar, Acer serrulatum Hayata (a kind of maple tree), and Golden Shower. They are in front of the Clement Chang International Conference Hall. As they are still young planted in 2000 by Dr. Clement Chang and his board members together with presidents of TKU’s sister universities. But in a few years time, this corner with be sensational with all the full-grown trees. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.658 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1147 | Download:

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