NO. 660


The 56th anniversary of Tamkang University was different from previous year as the celebration was held in the new and spacious gymnasium for the first time on November 4. It was opened by Dr. Flora Chang, the current president and the honorable guests included four former presidents together with several distinguished alumni coming back from overseas to say “Happy Birthday” to TKU.

In the opening ceremony, Dr. Chang mentioned specifically to the alumni that TKU’s achievements have been widely recognized in recent years not only by MOE, but also by enterprise who regard TKU graduates as their favorite recruits each year. These achievements, she believes were made possible by the alumni’s loyal support throughout the years. She also reminded the faulty, staff and students to take great advantage of the newly completed gym to promote physical health as health is an integral part of a “whole person” education.

In the ceremony, the winners of this year’s Golden Eagle Awards, who won for their donations and other contributions to TKU, were also announced. Mr. Duan Hsiang-shu, the Director of World Tamkang University Alumni Association spoke to the audience on their behalf, promising to help out any TKU graduate wherever they are. He also congratulates on today’s students who have such a wonderful gym to work on their physical well-being.

Speaking of the gym, all guests were deeply impressed by the well-lit and well-equipped space. To commemorate this particular anniversary, there was a photo exhibition of the past anniversary Track and Field meets, arranged chronologically. While browsing through these photographs, from monochrome to color, most alumni were in awe of the passage of time and even more in awe of TKU’s progress in recent years.

The next day the anniversary celebration took on a more spiritual tone, as the attention was drawn from the body (physical health) to the issue of the mind. An art exhibition was unveiled at Lanyang Campus, attended by Dr. Flora Chang and Ms. Polly S. Chang, the Chair of TKU Board of Trustees. MOE Deputy Minister, Chou Tsan-der, many local I-lan county officials and artists were also invited.

The art exhibition was preceded first by the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the inauguration of Lanyang Campus. In this ceremony, Dr. Flora Chang explained that the plaque details the origin and concept of the campus’s foundation, which was inspired by the vision of TKU Founder, Dr. Clement Chang, of realizing an Oxbridge residential, pastoral care college in Taiwan and the desire of contributing something to his hometown, I-lan County.

After that, Dr. Flora Chang, Ms. Polly S. Chang, together with Mr. Li Chi-mao, the Director of Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center (CCFAC), led guests and approximately 55 artists to tour the exhibition venue which was scattered on three separate floors of the Clement Chang Building Complex. There were 103 works by 73 artists who had been asked to draw or take photographs of Lanyang to capture the beauty of the campus. 91 out of the 103 works will be donated to CCFAC after the exhibition. This event, Dr. Chang points out, is an artistic complement to an already very beautiful campus that has been endowed with a great deal of natural splendors. As Tamkang campuses are already known for their beautiful gardens, elegant art works would definitely enhance TKU’s aesthetic investment. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.660 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1600 | Download:

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