NO. 662


The Tamkang Alumni Association for Business people in Guangdong held its inauguration meeting on November 16 in Dongguan, Guangdong, which was organized by Mr. Kuo Shan Hui, who graduated from Department of Cooperative Economics (now Department of Economics) and is the Director of the Samsong Global Corp. that has a base in Guangdong. Next year another alumni association of similar nature will be established in Wu-han, Hu-Pei Province, China.

The one in Guangdong is the second TKU alumni association for Taiwan’s business people in China, following the inauguration of Shanghai association three years ago. Mr. Kuo says that it was about time to set up one in Guangdong Province as there are over 18,000 Taiwanese business people there and in Dongguan and Shen Zhen alone there are over 10,000. It is important, Kuo stresses that these people keep in good contact so as to support one another. It is also important to expand the network so more people can join. Hence, he and his colleagues enlarged the Dongguan TKU Alumni Association for Business People to the current Tamkang Alumni Association for Business People in Guangdong.

Apart from local Taiwanese business people cum TKU alumni and Mr. Kuo, alumni from other branches and delegates from TKU also attended. For example, Cheng Jia-chuan from Shanghai, Cheng Rong-wen from Shen Zhen and Chiao Chin-yung from Southern California were present, whereas Tsai Hsin-fu, the Dean of the Community Development in Lanyang Campus represented Dr. Flora Chang, the TKU President, to attend the meeting. Dr. Chen Min-nan, the Director of TKU Alumni Services and Resources Development also gave a report at the meeting to an audience that exceeded 30 people.

Furthermore, the Dean of the College of Management, Chen Dun-ji, was present as well. He wished to use this opportunity to explain to the attended alumni a program his college has just set up. It is an E-Learning EMBA Program of Global Chinese Management aiming at overseas Chinese business people worldwide. Dr. Chen also points out that two other in-service programs co-organized with the Chinese Academy of Sciences are also in the pipeline. These programs are very flexible, so for example, if over 40 people in Guangdong area are interested in any of these programs, the programs can be set up in Guangdong near them. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.662 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1113 | Download:

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