NO. 675


Organized by Graduate Institute of Slavic Studies, “Conference on Current Russian National and International Affairs” will be held at Ching-Sheng International Conference Hall this Saturday (May 5th). Dmitry Petrovski (Bishop of Russian Orthodox Church) and O. Genisaretski (Vice Chair of Research Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Science in Russia) are invited to present papers.

Other domestic and international scholars will join the discussions on four agendas including Russian political strategies and diplomacy, economy and society, thoughts and spirituality, and contemporary Russian political economy. Visits in TKU are also arranged.

As Maliavin, Vladimir Chair of Graduate Institute of Slavic Studies, commented, “Russia’s presidential election is about to take place, and this conference is a great opportunity for exchanging opinions about the new situations. The political interrelationship between Russia, West Europe, America and Taiwan is also among the agendas.” ( ~Han-yu Huang )

NO.675 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1155 | Download:

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