NO. 675


The ROC Swimming Association held “The 8th Olympics Style Long Distance Swim at Hun Chun” in Southern Taiwan on April 22. 40 students and faculty from TKU, joined with other 4,000 swimmers from various parts of Taiwan and mainland China, and successfully completed the long distance swim of three kilometers.

The leader to this Kenting long swim trip, Chen Chien-liang, a full-time lifeguard and lifesaving coach, pointed out that “the distance of more than three kilometers is like to swim back and forth in school swimming pool for 60 times.” From his previous experience, he said that the ocean current was very powerful this year, and it was such a big physical challenge that participants kept loosing correct direction. After the swim, people yelled out, “we made it, and it’s all because of our strong will!”

Although the event date was very close to midterm week, students still quite looked forward to this long swim event. They often did training by themselves after the school. Student learned how to make “self lifesaving” when having muscle stoke trouble during the long swim, so that they all tackled the big challenge and completed the swim safely. Chen Chien-liang said, “Many lifesaving trainings are held in Tamsui area, and there are also water lifesaving classes for school PE class. Students can obtain the lifeguard license after the examination. Students are welcome to sign up the class, which can teach you not only save yourselves but also to rescue others.”

Huang Wei-min, a sophomore of Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, took the water lifesaving class, and signed up for the event, although he was still on training and had exam on the next day. He said, “The greatest thing is to meet many friends with common interest, and to get to know the real ocean swimming.” Recalling the moment when he finished the long swim, he said humorously, “It feels good to step back on the ground!” He claimed that he will participate in the event again if he has the time.

In addition, only 3 out of 40 participants are female students. Lee Juan-wei, freshman of Department of Statistics, said that she is very interested in lifeguard's training, although she has not contacted any professional training yet, this long swim event brings very special experience to her, for it is totally different from swimming in the swimming pool. She said, “I was a little bit dizzy and seasick because of the waves, and even felt helpless for a time during the swim. However, it was fun, and I will participate in again next time!” ( ~Peiling Hsia )

NO.675 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1210 | Download:

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