NO. 694


“Digital Usability Testing Lab,” co-hosted by Dept. of Educational Technology, TKU and School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri-Columbia, was inaugurated at L111 last Thursday (8th). President C. I. Chang, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Chen Kan-nan, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Kao Po-yuan, Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Tai Wan-chin and the Chair of Dept. the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies of MU, Dr. John F. Wedman and his wife took parts in the inauguration.

Chair of Dept of ET, Dr. Huang Ya-ping, who presided at the ceremony, said “I appreciate all superiors’ assistance during the process of establishing this laboratory, which not only represents the cooperative achievement with University of Missouri-Columbia but stands for a new landmark of TKU’s international academic cooperation.”

The staffs of both universities preceded video conference after the dedication. President Chang asserted that TKU has devoted to the globalization, information-oriented, and future-oriented developments, and this laboratory demonstrates a successful result of such efforts. Dr. John F. Wedman declared that it’s gratifying to accomplish the interscholastic cooperation through the academic connection and praised the integral design and equipment of the laboratory. During the conference, through the video, Dean of College of Education, Dr. Kao Hsun-fang delightedly greeted the alumnus of Graduate Institute of ET, who is studying for the PhD degree in the University of Missouri-Columbia.

After the video conference, Dr. Lee Shih-chung, professor of the Dept of ET, who is responsible for the design of the laboratory, introduced the equipment and operation of the futuristic laboratory to all the guests. He said “Designers of the software interface of e-learning will get help from this laboratory, in which they can test the manipulative efficiency of the facility and the software interface, thus they can reduce mistakes and alterations and avoid wasting time and money before proceeding the artistic creation and programming.” Chair Dr. Huang Ya-ping also indicated that “Digital Usability Testing Lab” offers the students and teachers who join related courses about digital study and learning, and its main function is to test and analyze the leering process of digital materials, the efficiency of website access, to elevate the efficiency and achievement of learning. (~ Wu Shu-ting )

NO.694 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1284 | Download:

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