NO. 711


Li Nai-ren, a graduate student from the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) was awarded with a Winning Prize at the 2007 Fujitsu Microelectronics Cup 8FX Series MCU Design Contest, after a six months review and competition. His work entitled “Wireless Fierce War Without Any Key-Wrestling (Xianpu) Game Machine” also won him NT$ 30,000.

His MCU is not the traditional one with keys, but is more like the MCU used in Wii games, by moving a stick in hand to manipulate objects. Li spent a great deal of time and meticulous efforts to design his hardware by wielding certain chips onto difficult places that demanded undivided concentration.

Lai Chiang Yu, a junior from St. John’s University of Technology who also won a Winning Prize for his work “Super sound Wave Indoor Positioning and Integration and Application of Multi-function Remote-control Car Based on Zig-bee Wireless System,” in fact participated in the contest under the name of TKU as his project is a collaboration with DEE. He is pleased with this result and thanks Tamkang for supporting him with great resources.

This contest, after six months of fierce competition, a list of 43 teams as the finalists emerged. From the list, three teams were awarded with the first, second, and third place, 7 teams received the Winning Prize, one team for Originality, one team for Market Potential, and two individuals for Best Tutors. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

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