NO. 715


Once again, Taiwan’s corporations chose TKU graduates as the 2008 favorite employees among those from private universities, according to a survey conducted by 104 Job Bank, the largest on-line employment agency in Taiwan. This result is in accordance with the one produced by Cheer magazine not long ago. This recent survey also reveals that TKU graduates trump their peers in the two indicators under the category “Best Improvement Awards”, and they are, “Most progress made during employment,” and “Best support rendered to alumni.” TKU comes second in the third indicator of the same category: “Best improvement seen in the quality of graduates,” following Yuan-zhi University (the third in overall ranking when graduates of national universities are included).

Dr. Flora Chang, the president of TKU is pleased with the ranking, which, in her view, reflects corporations’ positive feedback on the commitment TKU makes to education. She emphasizes that the university’s mission and policy have been to instill confidence in students so that they can become more competitive at work places in recent year. Hence, it is no surprise to her that TKU graduates rank third in “Most progress made during employment” in the overall ranking, following National Cheng-kung University and Taiwan University.

TKU ranks sixth in “Support rendered to alumni” in the overall ranking, preceded by several well-known national universities. However, this will be improved once TKU becomes a better university academic-wise. In this case, alumni will be proud of being associated with TKU, thus, strengthening their ties with the universities and other fellow graduates. For the short-term improvement, however, the university will continue to host many reunion events and using internet webpage to ensure a strong alumni network.

Many corporations also expressed the importance of foreign language ability and international knowledge for their future employees in the survey. They believe that private universities need to work on these abilities of their students. In response to that, Dr. Tai Wan-chin, the Vice President for the International Affairs, said that TKU has been enhancing its core curriculum by adding several courses that look at other cultures from social, cultural and economical perspectives. These courses should expand our students’ vision, Tai said. He also points out that his office has organized international youth camps, English camps, and related events to bring local and international students together. Through such an exposure, students can improve both language and world knowledge. Similarly, Dr. Chen Kan-nan, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who is in charge of the overall English proficiency of TKU students, explains that the university has invested in creating a better language learning environment such as English Lounge and special Language Lab so that students can practice their English easily and conveniently.

With all these efforts well underway, Dr. Flora Chang is confident that TKU will produce graduates in hot demand by corporations in the near future. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.715 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1216 | Download:

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