NO. 717


The final of an English singing contest, dubbed “TKU IDOLS”, was held at the University Commons on May 22. Chien Ai, a sophomore from the Dept. of English won the individual category, while Kao Shiao-yu and Deng Chung Ping, a duo, won the group category with their unique mix of “Moon River” and “Fly Me to the Moon”. The aim of this contest was to promote the fun of learning English, according to the organizer, Distance Education Development Section.

Apparently it worked. The contest had attracted 96 individuals, 27 groups in the first round. Among them, 26 individuals and 7 groups were chosen for the final. The individual champion, Chien Ai, was excited and credited her success to her parents who insisted that she took music lessons when she was young. Group number one, Gao Shiao-yu, similarly could not contain his excitement, kept hugging his friends and fans for celebration.

The judges for this event included pop world newest sensation, Fiona Xue from Hong Kong, and her agent from the Warner Music, Taiwan. Benn from Punkhoo, a rock and punk band, together with You Shi-chi a music theoretician and an accomplished musician teaching at TKU, also served on the panel of judges. At the end of the event, Dr. Hu Ying-hsueh from the Dept. of English, who was the academic advisor of the contest, concluded that “There is music in language, and language in music. They are inseparable. Furthermore, research shows that music helps relax brain and thus memory. Don’t forget to put on some nice music while learning!” ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

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