NO. 754


In his course “Creativity Strategy and Marketing Planning” Information Communication Assistant Professor Jyh-ming Yang teaches students to actively cultivate creativity and brainstorm marketing. Information and Communication students hosted the activity “Heart Moving—Tamkang” with a secondhand market on May 22, which stirred up an “upsurge of purchases.” Girl students were unable to put down the clothes, accessories, hats, bags and so on while boy students were grasping comic strips with awkward smiling. At the end, everyone was snatching small advantages. Information and Communication senior Wan-hui Gu happily cried out, “Yes! Our marketing is a success!”

The activity also had “Heart Moving Coffee Grounds,” letting students selling environmental protection concept. Participant, Information and Communication sophomore Yu-ting Lin expressed, “I have never thought that there could have many uses of coffee grounds, and I will make good use of them in the future not only for environmental protection but also for money saving. It really kills two birds with one stone.” ( ~Dean X. Wang )

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