NO. 757


First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone of you who have climbed up the Ke-nan Slope to join the big family of Tamkang. You will bring new blood to Tamkang. I am deeply pleased and moved by this meaningful moment. But even more important, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to cherish the four-year you will spend here, to study hard and make the best of your time, which will one day bring fruitful result in your future.

I am always thinking what are some of the distinguish features a top university should have? These features include: ranking number one on the list of local private universities for 12 consecutive years in the “1,000 Enterprises’ Favorite College Graduates” survey; listing as the first place in Taiwanese private universities in “Webometrics Ranking of World University,” designated by WHO as an International Safe School, and winning international recognitions in ISO 14001(environmental security), ISO 27001(Information Security), and ISO 20000 (Information Services and Management).

How can these all of the above honors help to provide a better learning environment for students? And how, with better equipments and facilities, boost TKU students’ soft power? I believe there is only one way to help students to develop the qualities widely-loved by the enterprises, which is the implementation of “college learning” and the education of “three dimensions” and “five aspects of education.”

There is a huge difference between the learning in high school and that in university. For high school students, they are spending most of their time in cram school. After spending too much time in cram schools, high school graduates entering university will most definitely face a difficulty in studying by themselves and arranging their own schedule.

Since the school year 2009, the TKU school authority has launched a course entitled “College Learning.” We have asked chair of each department to assign experienced teacher specialized in student counseling to help freshmen to better adopt the lives in university, and to learn how to study effectively.

We also combine the so-called “three dimensions,” which refers to three kinds of curriculum: professional, core and extracurricular, with the “five aspects of education ”—conduct, intelligence, physical education, teamwork and beauty, the inner values of education, when designing the courses, in the hope of elevate TKU graduates’ competitiveness in job market.

University is a treasure house for nurturing higher humanitarian values. Tamkang is a university without wall, which symbolizes academic freedom. The university is also famous for its strong faculty and five-star library, all the above can offer its students a perfect environment for advanced learning. Also, TKU has more than 200 student clubs, all of them are run and operated by students themselves. These student clubs are great places students can join to make friends with people of similar interests while at the same time build characters and core values during their interactions. The university also offers Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium and Shao-mo Memorial Natatorium Complex, allowing students to exercise with high-tech devices and further to develop a life-long exercising habit. To add an artistic touch to the campus, TKU also has Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, a treasure house where one can bath in all forms of arts, and Maritime Museum, in which has one of the finest ship model collections in the Taiwan. Also, a Black Swan Exhibition Hall is the place TKU students can exercise their creativity.

I would like to wish every TKU students the best in the next four years when they learn in the great environment of Tamkang. I would like to ask you to use the four years to learn as much as possible, to sharpen your skills as well as broaden your worldview under the globalization, information-oriented education, and future-oriented education of the university. With the combination of “Three dimensions” and “five aspects of education” education in TKU, I wish every TKU students can build his or her character and become a pillar of our country amid the fierce global competition.

After four years of learning, I wish every one of you can a have rewarding journey and walk down the Five-Tiger Hill with satisfaction, and even more important, making the four years in Tamkang the pride of your life! ( ~Yeh Yun-kai )

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