NO. 760


Center of Resources for the Blind Students invited 5 teachers and students of Taipei School for the Visually Impaired (TSVI) on Sept. 23 to provide massage service to TKU staff and faculty for free. Many people stole a moment to join the event, and cried out loudly during the massage because of their aching bones and muscles due to heavy workload. Chi Nai-hsun, Director, Dept. of Consulting Affairs, TSVI, indicated that TKU has given a lot of help to TSVI for a long time, so they were very happy to participate in this event, not only showing their appreciation, but also increasing the mutual interaction with TKU. Moreover, their students could get closer to the outside world, too.

Apart from long time training, all the five massagists from TSVI have massage therapist certification and practical work experience. Hence, many TKU teachers crowded the massage place, and were eager to give it a try. But at the moment of being massaged, the painful expression suddenly appeared on their faces. The student massagist said jokingly, “Professor, it seems that your body is not so good!”

Shih Shu-fen, nursing teacher of Office of Military Education and Training, indicated after the massage that people nowadays have a stiff neck more easily for their bad sitting posture or using computers for long hours, and massage can increase the blood circulation and help them relax. Chen Chin-hua, one student massagist said, “I hope that this activity can help more people and let them know us more.”

In addition, 6 seed teachers from Philippine come to TKU from today to Oct. 10 to learn how visually impaired students can provide telephone serving. Center of Resources for the Blind Students will share its experience with them and instruct their skills for two weeks. Hung Chien-hui, the counselor of Center of Resources for the Blind Students, hoped that this event could help visually impaired students of Philippine have better life in the future. ( ~Shu-chun Yen )

NO.760 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:2059 | Download:

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