NO. 819

“Hu-wei Radish Festival”

From the beginning of the 2010 academic year, the TKU Office of Student Affairs has partnered with the local Tamsui District Office to implement the TKU Campus and Community Learning course – a compulsory part of the curriculum for all TKU freshmen. As part of the course, 57 TKU freshmen recently took part in the “2011 Hu-wei Radish Festival”, in which they served as festival service volunteers. Their efforts as volunteers did not go unnoticed. A Section Chief of the Tamsui District Office observed: “the students actively worked to assist local residents, and displayed a sense of diligence that is rare among youths nowadays.”

First year Department of Business Management student, Tsai Wen-rong, explained that she was delighted to be able to genuinely help the local residents, “and the experience also allowed me to become even closer with my classmates.”

NO.819 | Update:2011-04-25 | Clicks:1491 | Download:

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