NO. 846

Tamkang Receives Perfect Score in University Evaluation

Results of the 2011 university evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education (MOE) last semester have been released. The evaluation assessed 37 public and private Taiwanese universities in five specific areas: university market placement, university governance and operation, teaching and learning resources, performance and social responsibility, and mechanisms for continued improvement and quality assurance.

Tamkang achieved impressive results, obtaining a “pass” (out of either ‘pass’, ‘conditional pass’, or ‘fail’) in each of the above-mentioned five categories. The President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, thanked the entire body of TKU faculty and staff for their continued efforts in improving operations at TKU. She added: “the fact that we received such great results will help to spur our efforts in sustainable development and increase our overall competitiveness”.

The evaluation was carried out on April 13-14 this year and consisted of interviews with members of faculty and staff, an assessment of university data and an inspection of university facilities.

NO.846 | Update:2012-01-03 | Clicks:1217 | Download:

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