NO. 849

A New Platform for Compulsory Club Courses

From the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year, all first year students at Tamkang have been required to take a student society course entitled “Learning and Practice of Clubs”. After the implementation of the course, a greater burden was placed on student society leaders, who then had to keep track of information on far more students. A new centralized system was required to simplify these processes.

Such a system now exists. The ‘TKU Student Club Course Web’ ( will provide students with course notifications, news on club activities, club member details, and more. The leader of the Mass Communication Department Association, second year student Keh Ching-lun, commented: “the new online platform has made things so much easier.”

Freshmen can enter the website directly to fill in journal entries after each club activity. They are then required to print out their journal entries, get them signed by the appropriate club member, and hand the signed entries into club TA’s at SG201. Students can then log in to the TKU Student Club Course Web to check whether or not they have passed.

NO.849 | Update:2012-02-29 | Clicks:1469 | Download:

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