According to figures released by the Office of Research and Development, as of Feb. 13, 2012, the number of National Science Council (NSC) research grant proposals applied for by TKU faculty over the last five academic years is as follows: 485 (2008), 508 (2009), 551 (2010), 537 (2011) and 574 (2012). With the exception of 2011, the figure has grown annually by an average of 6%.
In terms of particular colleges, for the past three years the College of Engineering has maintained a rate of application exceeding 100%. This means that, on average, each teacher has lodged at least one application. However, this year, the College of Engineering – with an application rate of 107% – came second among TKU colleges. First place was claimed by the College of Science, with a marginal lead of 108%. Compared with the 2010 academic year, the colleges displaying an increase in the number of research grant applications lodged include the colleges of: Liberal Arts, Science, Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Graduate Institute of International Studies, the College of Global Entrepreneurial Development, and the Office of Physical Education.