NO. 853

TKU Business Faculty Visit Kinmen

In keeping with TKU policy of “diversity in student recruitment”, senior faculty from the TKU College of Business recently visited National Kinmen Senior High School, Kinmen Island.

The Tamkang delegation consisted of the Dean of the College of Business, Dr. Hu Yi-jen, as well as the chair of each department, including the Department of International Business, Dr. Chia Chao-nan, the Department of Banking and Finance, Dr. Chiu Chien-liang, the Department of Insurance, Dr. Kao Tong-liang, the Department of Industrial Economics, Dr. Chun-Hung Lin, and the Department of Economics, Dr. Chuang Shi-feng.

During the visit, the delegation played a video introducing Tamkang University and of each of the departments from the TKU College of Business. They also gave away small gifts to students who provided answers in a trivia quiz.

The Dean of the College of Business, Dr. Hu Yi-jen, observed that the students at Kinmen High were very enthusiastic. At the end of the event, they crowded around the TKU visitors asking questions. “From the students’ level of participation, we can see that the students were very interested in obtaining information about TKU. This kind of interaction is very beneficial for our future recruitment of students”.


Chair of TKU Department of Economics, Dr. Chuang Shi-feng, answering students’ questions after the Kinmen High School Tamkang Information Forum.

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