NO. 856

The 2012 Academic Development Conference

In order to better understand the achievements and features of the TKU Administrative Development Scheme, to discuss the content of work objectives proposed by faculty for the 2012 academic year, and to prepare for the assignment of funds and subsidies in the coming academic year, on 13th April TKU held the 2012 Academic Development Conference at the Chueh Sheng International Conference Hall.

Hosted by the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, the conference featured a keynote speech by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Gwo-hsing Yu, as well as progress reports from each of TKU’s first and second tier departments, including the colleges of Liberal Arts, Science, Engineering, Business, Management, Foreign Languages and Literature, Education, and Global Entrepreneurial Development, as well as the Cham Pion Incubation Center and the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs.

During the keynote speech, Vice President Yu discussed some of the challenges facing Taiwanese private universities due to plummeting birth rates and constrained government funding. He also noted that under such conditions, an attitude of constant innovation is required. The speech was followed by reports by both academic and administrative departments, which outlined their recent accomplishments as well as objectives for the future.

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