On March 28 – 29, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) sent an advising counselor to Tamkang University to provide TKU with advice and suggestions on how to successfully attain AACSB accreditation. Upon arriving at Tamkang, the counselor – Dr. Frank Bostyn – was received by several senior TKU faculty, who held a welcome luncheon in his honor.
Among those to attend the luncheon was the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, who delivered opening remarks. She noted that in winning the 19th National Quality Award (2009), TKU demonstrated that it had successfully applied principles of quality to its educational program. With this as a basis, three years ago the Tamkang University College of Business applied for accreditation with AACSB, hoping to bring the quality of TKU instruction to a new level. President Chang hopes that thanks to the visit of Dr. Bostyn, TKU will more readily identify areas requiring improvement, and constantly enhance its performance in the areas of instruction and research. Dr. Bostyn also delivered an opening speech, during which he explained the global trends of AACSB and key points for AACSB evaluation.
The Executive Director of the TKU Office of AACSB, Lin Ku-jun, explained that in September 2011, TKU passed the first set of requirements needed for accreditation. At present, TKU is in the second phase of application, which involves compiling a plan of accreditation. After gaining AACSB accreditation, the educational qualification and credit points obtained by students of the colleges of Business and Management will be recognized internationally.