NO. 540


A four-member student delegation at the head of Assistant Prof. Ji Shun-jie, Center for Futures Studies will attend the 2003 International Conference of Futures Studies to be held in Croatia on Aug. 26-31, 2003.

The delegation will comprise Han Chia-chun, junior of Department of Spanish; Lin Jen-hui, junior of Department of International Trade; and two graduate students in futures studies.

Center for Futures Studies (CFS) approved 16 students to take part in the interviews after screening written proposals, and chose two from the six students who passed the interview to take part in the international conference of futures studies.

The upcoming international meeting is entitled “Demonstrating Solutions in Economy, Education, Environment and Lifestyle.” Our school will subsidize each student delegate a roundtrip air ticket, registering charges, and accommodations during the meeting. Delegates should give a briefing and deliver a report on experiences they had learned from the meeting to teachers of CFS. They should also talk about their impressions and what they have learned from the meeting to students in the class of futures studies.

Lin Jen-hui said that she has attended the class of “futures studies in politics” and shared the experience gained by a student delegate who attended the international meeting of futures studies in Japan last year. Lin said: “I should exchange opinions with leader of the delegation. I should read more books related to futures studies and international news as well as strengthen my foreign language ability.”

NO.540 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1104 | Download:

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