NO. 864

Chronicling a New Page in Cross-Strait Relations

On June 10, the Graduate Institute of China Studies will hold a special lecture and book launch to mark two years since Mainland Chinese students were first permitted to study in Taiwan. The event will be hosted by the Director of the TKU Graduate Institute of China Studies, Dr. Chang Wu-Ueh, and the special lecture will be delivered by Associate Professor Yang Ching-Yao. Associate Professor Yang will describe the background and development of policies allowing Mainland students to study in Taiwan; a topic also explored in his new book, which chronicles the stories of 55 Mainland students who came to Taiwan last September to pursue university studies.

Associate Professor Young explained: “I hope that Mainland Chinese degree-seeking and exchange students in Taiwan can take the book back with them when they go home to share their experiences and stories with their parents. This will also give their friends and family a clearer picture of life in Taiwan”.

NO.864 | Update:2012-06-20 | Clicks:1523 | Download:

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