From Aug 10 – 25, the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development will hold a total of 17 introductory seminars for new students and their parents. Each seminar will involve a speech by presidents of each regional alumni association, an introduction to the services provided by the alumni associations, experience-sharing by alumni about the path of pursuing studies and seeking employment, and speeches by TKU professors regarding the educational philosophy at Tamkang.
The Executive Director of the Alumni office, Dr. Chun-young Perng, explained that this year’s seminars will kick off at Kinmen. The purpose of the seminars, according to Dr. Perng, is to inform soon-to-be Tamkang freshmen about life at Tamkang and provide them with details on how to select courses and complete enrolment. “It is our way of welcoming students into the vast Tamkang family.”
| Update:2012-08-15
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