Chen Chiu-ming and Chao Fu-jung were elected as the President and Vice President of Student Association after the one hour long voting last Wednesday.
Chen-Chao gained 3,296 votes, which comprised 75.8 percent of ballots against Chang Kuang-ying and Li Shuen-fang, who gained only 819 votes.
President elected Chen Chiu-ming, sophomore in the Department of Insurance, said that he would do his best to service the students. Vice President elected Chao Fu-jung is a sophomore in the Department of Information Management.
Chen expressed that he will make efforts to fulfill the opinions addressed in the campaign. For instance, he proposed to set up a benevolent umbrella both at the entrance of every building for those who are in need in the campaign.
He continued, he will also intensify the interaction between the Student Association and Student Council; he will also fight for students’ rights and interests.
| Update:2010-09-27
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