NO. 541


Vice President for Administrative Affairs Dr. Flora C. I. Chang exhorted staff members of teaching units to pursue their advanced studies. Chang also instructed that staff members of teaching units and administrative units would mutually take turns so as to be familiar with each other’s business. Chang made the remarks after presiding over a three-round symposium on total quality management (TQM) to staff members of teaching units held on May 23, 27 and June 3, respectively.

Chang pointed out that the enterprise stressed on “learning style organization” and she suggested that every colleague should have to receive changes, continuously think how to make everything better after changing, and adapt the rotation system to exchange positions. Under the current regulations for promotion, staff members would not have chances for promotion if they do not join the rotation system. If any staff member who submits a rotation request, the chief of this unit would accept. Encouragement should especially be made to take turns between teaching and administrative units. She hoped that the working manual would be completed as earlier as possible.

After listening to the TQM implementation result made by each convener of the ad hoc committee which consists of nine colleges and Office of Physical Education, Chang stressed five points as the spirit of TQM: 1) Participation of all faculty and staff members, 2) the systemized document forms to help implement the work, 3) the process of implementation is more important than the result in the process management, 4) paying attention to teamwork spirit, and 5) don’t work with your direct sense and should investigate thoroughly the facts before transferring the opinion. “After all, TQM improvement is never ending,” she said.

Teaching units suggested that the database of faculty, staff and students be updated periodically. TQM forms should also be modified for assistants of teaching units to fill in.

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