NO. 536


A total of 333 teachers and students were in quarantine up to May 2 according to a statistics compiled by Office of Student Affairs (OSA). 123 of them residing Great Taipei Area are quarantined in their home, respectively. A total of 189 stayed in their rented house while eight female students stayed in their dormitories. Thirteen were missing contact.

According to the regulation, they could not leave house and eat out during their quarantine period. TKU has prepared foodstuffs for them.

Dispatching foodstuffs for those who are in home quarantine should originally be done by staff members of Sanitation Department of Tamsui Town Government; however due to lack of manpower, 30 faculties and staff members actively send foodstuffs to those who are under quarantine at their rented house in Tamsui. TKU authorities have prepared lunch boxes, instant noodles, toasts, mineral waters, fruit, fruit jam, masks, disinfected water and trash bags for them. OSA Dean Ke Huan-chao said that we only asked faculties and staff members (not students) to send foodstuffs voluntarily, because the participation of students may cause great concerns from their parents.

Several Chairs of department are among the 30-member voluntary team. They included Lo Hsiao-hsien, Chair of Department of Transportation Management; and Lee Pei-chi, Chair of Department of Management Science and Decision Making. They sent foodstuffs to them in all weathers.

In related news, Sanitation Department of Tamsui Town Government informed TKU authorities that some students under home quarantine did not follow regulations and still went out. School authorities advised the home quarantined students through volunteers not to break Article 41 of Infectious Disease Preventive Regulations, or they will be fined NT$60,000 to NT$300,000.

OSA informed more than 300 home-quarantined teachers and students to obey the regulations. Some students in quarantine still get in touch with others on the same floor without wearing masks. Tsao Tien-ya, Chief of Guidance Section, urged those who are under home quarantine to follow strictly the “Infectious Disease Preventive Regulations.”

NO.536 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1703 | Download:

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