NO. 523


Lin Hsin-yi, a student of Department of Practical Japanese, TKU now studying at Asia University, Japan on exchange student program, won the most excellent award on the 24th Kozo Ohda Cup Speech Contest. Chang Wei-ching won the third place in the 19th Japanese Speech Contest for North District of Taiwan sponsored by Japan’s Asia Airways (JAA).

Both Lin and Chang attributed their victory to the departmental strict training at the ordinary time.

Lin is the third student of her Department to win Kozo Ohda Cup Speech Contest after Chang Chien Tien-hsiang and Ku Ya-hui, graduates of the Department of Practical Japanese, won the Cup. The subject of her speech was “Living in Japan—coming across people”. She began to narrate what she has experienced from the warm hospitality of Japanese people and expressed her lucky emotion by encountering such wonderful people in Japan. She told TK Times reporter in an interview through international telephone that she was very nervous during the contest because she did not want to break the tradition of the consecutive victories. She said with humility, “the victory is not for me but for those who have helped me in this event. I would like to share the joy with my teachers and classmates.”

Chang Wei-ching who won the third place in the Japanese Speech Contest for North District of Taiwan sponsored by Japan’s Asia Airways. The contest adopted the individual registration. He wrote the article, recorded it and registered the contest by mail. At first, he dared not imagine that he could enter the final contest. He was very exciting after knowing to be in the finals. Professors at the department always arranged him to rehearse at every class of the department to increase his confidence and courage. Therefore, he attended the contest with confidence and won the third place.

Both Lin and Chang attributed their victory to teachers of the Department of Practical Japanese. “What I have learned in Department of Practical Japanese has greatly helped me in the contest. I always complained the strict training of my Japanese teachers before the contest but now I understand how hard they teach and direct us. I do appreciate them very much,” she said. “I believe that what I have learned in a semester at Department of Practical Japanese could compare with what I had learned in my five years’ of Junior College” Chang said.

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