NO. 522


Dr. Clement C. P. Chang, TKU Founder and concurrently Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for Lanyang Campus, said that the miscellaneous construction work of Lanyang Campus has been smoothly carried out. The construction will be completed at the end of 2003, Chang said.

After obtaining the certificate of miscellaneous items, the construction work of classrooms and administrative building will begin from 2004 and will recruit students in September 2005, he said.

Chang made the remarks when he presided over the fourth meeting of the committee. He listened to the working reports submitted by the Construction and Repairs Section, Office of General Affairs and the Chiaohsi Office. After hearing the construction plan and design submitted by Architect Yu Hsien-teh, Chang exchanged views with members of the committee.

TKU President and concurrently Vice Chairperson of the committee Chang Horng-jinh said that after obtaining the building permit, the construction of schoolhouses would be based on a year-by- year principle. In order to meet the demand of the fiscal year, we will construct schoolhouses for two colleges (Learning Zone and Living Zone). Each college will include three departments and each department is projected to enroll 50 students. The schoolhouse for the first academic year should accommodate 300 students and 12,000 students in the fourth year, Chang said.

Lanyang Campus covers 40 hectares of land at the first stage. There will be 20 hectares for preparatory zone. It has been projected to accommodate five colleges and 10,000 students for the campus. Architect Yu submitted three planning proposals during the meeting but no decisions were made at the meeting. Dr. Clement C. P. Chang hoped that the planning would be revised based on the opinions of participants and would be planned in detail in accordance with the order of priority.

Members of the committee believed that we should emphasize on the community college, the international conference center and hotel should be simultaneously considered when constructing the related departments and colleges. Besides, The rain of Lanyang area extends for 270 days. It is necessary to evaluate building a swimming pool. It is also undoubted that there should be recreation area for students’ dormitories. We should cope with it with care. Chang also hoped that the Office of Comptroller would plan well due to the construction of Lanyang Campus would cause a budget pushing out effect.

NO.522 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1292 | Download:

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