NO. 521


Scholars across the Taiwan Straits have interpreted different opinions at the cross-strait seminar on the history of Taiwan held on Tamsui Campus, Nov. 29-30, 2002.

Prof. Zhao Lingyun, Vice President of Central and Southern University of Economics, Finance and Law (CSUEFL) and concurrently head of a 13-member delegation from Mainland China, said that the existed cross-strait historical data and the different conditions have already shocked the expression of cross-strait scholars toward the history of Taiwan. Zhao said that the research work of scholars in Taiwan concentrated on micro vision of study, and scholars on Mainland concentrated on macro vision of study. He hoped that scholars across the Taiwan Straits would strengthen their cooperation and academic exchanges.

Zhao cited several papers presented by Taiwan scholar, saying that a paper on “Tamsui light railway research” by Associate Prof. Chou Tsung-hsien, Department of History, TKU, and another paper on “the historical research of the rise and fall of Pali area, opposite to Tamsui town” by Prof. Yeh Hung-sa, Department of History, TKU, concentrated on a micro vision of their study. But the paper entitled “Cross-strait safeguarding the sovereignty of Nansha Islands” by Zhang Zhunying, Vice Director, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Affairs, CSUEFL, and another paper entitled “A comparative study of Taiwan people and northeastern people of China fighting against Japan” by Prof. Tien Kozin, College of Politics and Law, Northeast Normal University (NNU) focused on macro vision of their studies.

Zhao said that Taiwan scholars paid attention to the field research on local countryside while scholars in China the research on cross-strait events. Both have their own advantages, Zhao pointed out, adding that both sides should strengthen their academic cooperation and exchanges.

The historical data across the Taiwan Straits and the different recognition toward the data was a special event in this meeting. Prof. Liou Tzeng-chyuan, Chair of Department of History, TKU, presented a paper on “The 47th Army Corps and Matzu” at the meeting. Liou cited the confidential document in which the Matzu people called the army of Mainland China as “bandit troops” in his article. The situation caused fierce debate among scholars from Mainland China.

Prof. Chou Tsung-hsien, Department of History, TKU and concurrently organizer of the seminar, said that the history of Taiwan is the important issue pursued by his department. TKU Founder Dr. Clement C. P. Chang has instructed that the department should offer the history of Taiwan as an independent course. Chou, therefore, said that the department has four teachers specializing in the history of Taiwan. The department has also invited as many professors as National Taiwan University NTU). This is the trait of the department, Chou said.

In order to celebrate the inaugural of the Office of the history of Taiwan, a concert was held on Nov. 30. A quartet string orchestra led by Lin Lun-wei performed at the concert. The concert was divided into three stages based on the evolutional history of Taiwan, coupled with aboriginal folk songs. Cross-strait participants highly lauded for the concert arrangement.

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