NO. 1008

English Department Alumnus Wins 1st Place at National Gettysburg Address Reciting Contest

【Reporter Tsai Jin-Yu, Tamkang Campus】Congratulations to Chen, Yan-Ling, an English Department alumnus, for winning the National Gettysburg Address Reciting Contest hosted by The Lincoln Society. Yan-Ling came through in the contest by beating five competitors from other institutions and won a ten-thousand-dollar prize. Before the national contest, Yan-Ling had to beat 26 other competitors from the school in order to represent Tamkang University. When asked about the contest, she said, “Besides the prize, I also received Papers of Abraham Lincoln. This was a happy and unforgettable experience”.

When asked about her preparation for the competition, Yan-Ling said, “I would stand in front of a mirror and imagine myself as Abraham Lincoln in the battlefield. That way, I could feel the grief and sorrow. I also looked for other recital versions from the Internet, picked out the parts I like and integrated those in my own speech. Reciting Gettysburg Address with my own style was way to show my unique interpretation”.

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