NO. 497

The Pageant of Overseas Students’ Cultural Show Attracted many People Who Came and Enjoyed the Gour

A pageant of international cultural artifacts and native bric-a-bracs was held in the Exhibition Hall of the Business Building, TKU from March 26 thru 29.

The “2002 Exhibition of Cultural Products for TKU Overseas Students” has become an annual attraction for not only the students here but also the local residents in Tamsui. As usual, overseas students would don their colorful native costumes and the newly organized Lion Dancing Troupe would make a vociferous and boisterous show at the gate to greet the visitors.

The meaning of the event may be exemplified by what Mr. Kao Chung-yun, a high-ranking official from Ministry of Education had to say on the occasion: “TKU is the number one institution that knows how to handle overseas affairs. I hope with your experience and guidance, the overseas affairs in other universities can yield better results as time progresses.” Then he added, “TKU is a pioneer that blazes the trails of Internalization.”

The increasingly popular TKU Overseas Students Annual Cultural Show had attracted many local residents to come. They would say, “Golly, I’ve seen the Cultural Exhibition. Every country is a wonderful place. How I wish I could go there and see everything with my own eyes.”

Mr. Lee Shih-charng, an official from Ministry of Education, was also impressed---this was the 3rd time since the inception of the event he visited the show, and he said, smilingly, “You know something, I like the ‘Gourmet Food Show’ that they put on every year, because it draws me here automatically, as I really enjoy the food.” He could mean every word he said seriously, not as a joke.

An unusual (bizarre) contest was held at noon on March 28. It marked the highlight of the Overseas Students’ Cultural Show. It was called “The Champion Contest for the Hot Chili Eaters”. Many daredevil overseas students participated in this spicy event; finally, a Caucasian student from Public Services Center emerged and won the title of “Mr. Chili Pepper” His name? He is no other than Mr. John David Moriarty.

The contestants had to cross over three hurdles. The first one happened to be a big bowl of Indian curry. Out of a total of 50 participants, 30 made it. Later, some quitted. However, for those who remained to stick it out, they would have to consume a plate of raw (uncooked) red chili peppers in 45 seconds. Because the room was sealed, a pungent smell permeated in the air and everyone’s eyes were bleary with hot tears---interesting.

Finally, the time of showdown came. A big plate of Thai cuisine---“Hot Chili Noodles Made from Green Beans” appeared. Because it was so hot, everybody was fanning with whatever he/she was holding in hand. What you know? The winner was a Caucasian fellow from Canada whose name we have already introduced to you. The 2nd runner-up was from Thailand, Mr. Wang Chia-jui; the 3rd runner-up, Mr. Lin Yong-cheng (Freshman from Information Engineering).

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